Learning Collaborative
Collaborative learning occurs when a group of individuals or organizations share information and experiences in an effort to drive change and seek improvement for a common purpose. The RHP 8 learning collaborative seeks to achieve regional impact through shared learning, community engagement and celebration of success. We believe there can be great benefit to the region at large when stakeholders come together in activities designed to foster collaboration and dialogue geared toward learning and continuous quality improvement.
The design of the RHP 8 learning collaborative is a version of the CMS-recommended IHI model, modified to accommodate our smaller, more rural region. The collaborative structure is very similar to that of our sister region, RHP 17 in College Station, Texas, and our larger regional counterpart in Austin, Texas, RHP 7, to allow participation across regions by interested providers.
Individual and regional mechanisms for learning and sharing, fed by core components, work in a continuous cycle to promote quality improvement and positive regional impact as illustrated below.

- Innovator Agents (all of us)
- Peer to Peer Opportunities
- On the Spot webinars/speakers
- Outside work groups/activities
- Self-Paced Training Tools
- Special Issue Management
- Project Management Data Analysis
General Purpose/Scope
- PDSA Knowledge Spread
- Tailored Learning
- Issue Management
Regional Events
- Two face-to-face events per year
- Hosted by Anchor
- Open to all interested stakeholders
Regional Focus Areas/Cohort
- Ad-hoc and topical focus areas
- Volunteer co-facilitators
- Group aims defined by participants
General Purpose/Scope
- Qualitative data sharing
- Milestone data sharing/lessons learned
- Reporting on implementation of PDSA
- Monthly Conference Calls
- Regional Newsletters
- Stakeholder/Performing Provider Opportunities
- Annual Reports
- Celebrations
General Purpose/Scope
- Broad regional sharing
- Continuous learning
- Qualitative data sharing

- Innovator Agents (all of us)
- Peer to Peer Opportunities
- On the Spot webinars/speakers
- Outside work groups/activities
- Self-paced Training Tools
- Special Issue Management
- Project Management Data Analysis
General Purpose/Scope
- PDSA knowledge spread
- Tailored learning
- Issue management
Regional Events
- Two face-to-face events per year
- Hosted by Anchor
- Open to ALL interested stakeholders
Regional Focus Areas/Work Groups
- Ad-hoc and topical focus areas
- Volunteer co-facilitators
- Group aims defined by participants
General Purpose/Scope
- Qualitative data sharing
- Milestone data sharing/lessons learned
- Reporting on implementation of PDSA
- Monthly Conference Calls
- Topical Webinars
- Regional Newsletters
- Stakeholder/Performing Provider Opportunities
- Annual Reports
- Celebrations
General Purpose/Scope
- Broad regional sharing
- Continuous learning
- Qualitative data sharing

Learning Opportunities
Regional Opportunity: RHP 8 and 17 Joint Virtual Learning Collaborative Event Series - September 2020
The RHP 8 and RHP 17 held a series of virtual learning collaborative events during September 2020.
The first event, Interactive Virtual Presentation: Working Alone Together, was held on September 18, 2020 and was an interactive presentation hosted by Mr. John Cramer.
The second event, Exploring Rural Opportunities for Value-Based Payments Improved Community Health, was held on September 22, 2020. This presentation by Mr. Simeon Niles with CMS Innovation Center discussed the CMS CHART Model.
The third, and final, event, Overview of Behavioral Health in Texas, was held on September 28, 2020. This presentation by Associate Commissioner Trina Ita with HHSC shared a brief overview of the mental health services in Texas and how the state has worked to address mental health in the face of COVID-19.
Visit the RHP 8 Learning Collaborative Meeting Materials page for the agenda. Contact the RHP 8 Anchor Team for additional information and meeting materials.
Peer-to-Peer Opportunity:
The RHP 8 Anchor team provides an updated list of regional learning collaborative opportunities on our Learning Collaborative Meeting Materials page. Please inform the RHP 8 Anchor team of any learning opportunities in other RHPs you feel may be beneficial to others in our region. Additionally, if you attend other-RHP activities, consider sharing updates with RHP 8 stakeholders on the monthly learning collaborative conference calls.
Regional Work Group
RHP 8 Cohort
The RHP 8 Cohort aims to bring together DSRIP Providers and other RHP stakeholders who have similar projects, goals, and interests in identified focus areas. Often times the RHP 8 and 17 Anchors host joint Cohort meetings to increase knowledge sharing.
The objective of the Cohort is to foster collaboration through focused quality improvement activities in an effort to promote efficiencies and improve healthcare delivery and access throughout the region. Learn more about the Cohort.